Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Leader Among Followers…

Creating Dynamic Followers as Prerequisite for Leading

By Laura Rose

"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it."

Dwight D. Esienhower


We hear that for an effective organization to smoothly evolve and develop there should only be one Indian chief and many Indians; one leader and many followers. And we continuously applaud, train and promote leadership positions.

The reality is that the majority of most organizations are followers.

Since an effective follower is critical to an organization and its ability to accomplish a mission, should there be some discussion in what makes an effective follower?

To read more:

Laura offers one-on-one career and life coaching, small group coaching, seminars and workshops. You can learn more about her at and contact her at

Friday, July 3, 2009

Creating Inappropriate Heroes.


We’ve all caught ourselves thinking and feeling things like: “If I want it done right, I need to do it myself.” “There’s no one else to do it”. “It always falls on me.” “Why am I always the one that has to move/change/compromise/keep the peace, etc.

If we like feeling this way, then there’s no issue. We are creating the perfect scenarios for ourselves. If you want something different, then below are some quick tips to avoid creating that trap for ourselves.

Laura offers one-on-one career and life coaching, small group coaching, seminars and workshops. You can learn more about her at and contact her at or

Can't Fine The Time to Do Everything on Your List?

Can't find the time to do all the things that you think you should do?
Combine it with other things you don't have time for.... Ridiculous? Read on...

Need to network, exercise, catch up with friends or family, clear out that closet, write that book, learn a new skill etc? One idea is to try to combine some tasks. Best approach for success is to combine something annoying to do, with something fun.
One example is that I recently scheduled a professional networking "Meet-up" ( with a walk around Shelley Lake. It's a beautiful lake. Fresh air is a good stimulus for creativity and inspiration. And I NEED the exercise. I also want to start networking with friendly and valuable folks like you. So, I'm trying to combine the two. By making an external commitment to be there -- it's now something I can't easily wiggle out of. It's not expensive and it's healthy. Not everyone will be attracted to this type of activity. But the folks that are, will be the kind of folks that connect with me.
Other ideas for combining chores and fun activities:

Read more at:

Laura Rose
Make Magic Your Norm
Call for a free coaching session.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why did this happen, NOW???

by Laura Rose

When we first start playing with The Law of Attraction, Deliberate Creation, and The Art of Allowing, we latch onto the thought that we create our own reality and experiences. When we first start playing with LOA, we may become intent on finding out why and what we did to create this crummy thing that just happened. We may get overly frustrated and distraught with the idea that “I’m working so hard on directing my thoughts, and it’s just not working”.

While I agree that we create and attract our experiences, I’m not entirely convinced it’s beneficial to us to examine, review and replay the circumstances of a “crummy experience”.

I am not even convinced that we should be working so hard on directing our thoughts.

This is why ….

To read more, go to:

Laura Rose
Make Magic Your Norm
Call for a free coaching session.